How To Write A Film Review?

Suppose, you have just watched a film. Somehow it blows your mind and immediately you want to write a review based on that film. But if you are get confused while writing and don’t know where to start? Well, this article is written for you. Learn how to write a good film review by following some easy basic steps. Hope you find this content efficient enough to enhance your review writing hand.

Step by Step Guidelines

  1. At first, pick a film and watch the film attentively from first to last.
  2. You can take key notes while watching the film. As a result, you won’t forget or miss any important point that you want to uphold while writing the review.
  3. After watching a film for the first time, don’t go instantly for writing a review. Analyze the film again. Think twice which scenes you like most and why? Is there any artistic value or create a certain meaning? Or else some sequences of the film are relatable with your life or your near ones. On the contrary, which part of the film you don’t like and what are the reasons behind it? Try to give a constructive criticism and avoid attacking or abusive words.
  4. Now write down a draft copy of your review so that you can edit it later.
  5. Discuss the film plot briefly. Give your readers some idea of the plot, but be careful don’t be a spoiler.

More Things to Consider

  1. In the main outline, try to share your own opinion. But, keep in mind don’t bore your reader with unnecessary elaboration. Rather, you can entertain your reader by upholding interesting perspective or hidden message of the film.
  2. You can also give recommendation to your readers.
  3. Come up with a smart and catchy title that grows enthusiasm in readers to read the whole review.
  4. Revise your final draft whether it requires to add any necessary point or subtract any futile point.
  5. Before publishing your film review in any film site or any digital platforms, recheck your whole review. Try to find out if there any common mistake like spelling mistake or grammar mistake. Now, think about the quality of your writing. Is it really readable to a film lover or critics? Your review should be that much descriptive and informative so that who don’t watch that film, will definitely watch the film after reading your review. Contrariwise, who has already watched that particular film, get more clear idea about the whole film again.


It is not possible to become a good review writer of films overnight. A continuous practice of review writing will enhance your skill as well as develop your writing pattern. If you are thinking yourself as a regular review writer then insert the tips in your head that mentioned above. Furthermore, if you want to become a pro level film review writer then read professional film reviews as much as possible. Try to differ your amateur writing with professional ones. Then you will find out where you have to improve more.

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