How To Film An Interview With One Camera?

Do you know how to film an interview with one camera? If you don’t know, don’t worry. Just let me explain in detail for you.

Let’s go to dive into the main article to know the details.

Filming an interview is one of the most common tasks. The interest in this subject comes from the fact that at some point we all will need to deal with interview video filming. Regardless of our work field or experience in video production and post-production. This article aims to show you how to film an interview using only one camera.

How To Prepare For Filming An Interview?

In order to film an interview, it is necessary to prepare some things. These are:


choose a suitable location or set-up for the filming session. And make sure that the background is as clean and simple as possible.


Are you going to shoot the interview inside of your office? Look at the environment before setting up lights and audio gear. Look around for any potential problem. And solve it before any inconvenience arises. Like dust on camera sensors, any noises, etc.

The most common mistake made by people who want to shoot interviews is not taking all the details related to lighting. More specifically, they forget that adequate lighting is fundamental in this kind of video production. If we have a bright sunny day outside. This might be a big problem! Yes!

How To Shoot A Video Interview With Just One Camera?

Here are some tips to help you focus in the right direction for it. And as you explore how to shoot a video Interview with one camera, let’s go follow these things for an enjoyable interview. I promise this will be fun!

Step#01 – Get Different Angles Of The Interviewee

The best way to get different angles of a person is to either place yourself directly in front of your subject. Or have the person face the camera in profile. These are both common approaches used by interviewers. The most important thing to remember is that you do not want the person in your shot. Instead, place them on one side of the camera viewport (window). And set yourself up on the other side of the frame.

Step#02 – Keep Most Of Your Interviewees In Sight At All Times

Unless you are using multiple cameras to film the interview. It is best that you keep most of your interviewee’s insight. This may seem like an obvious point. But human nature is such that a lot of people forget to follow this advice.

Especially while shooting an interview for the first time. If by any chance you miss your subject’s facial expression or body language because they were out of view. Chances are high that the audience will notice immediately and find it distracting.

Step#03 – Zooming In And Out On Your Subject

Zooming in and out during an interview is a very common technique. It is used by videographers due to its efficiency. When zooming into an image.

Especially if you are filming someone speaking. It catches viewer attention since we naturally tend to look for details. When hearing something new or interesting then you can understand it.

Step#04 – Avoid Extreme Close-ups

Avoid extreme close-ups such as headshots. This might seem like a no-brainer. But it’s important to keep it in mind at all times when shooting the interview.

Step#05 – Consider Both Of You In Your Frame

This is one of the most common mistakes that people make during an interview session. Especially in their first attempts. Or when they are learning how to film an interview with just one camera. Make sure that you do not get yourself into the shot accidentally by moving around too much while filming. You can also try using a tripod whenever possible. That will help avoid this kind of distraction from happening.

Step#06 – Do Not Forget About Background

A lot of beginners forget about the background behind their subject. You should put a lot of effort into getting rid of distracting backgrounds in your frame. Otherwise, you risk losing any viewer’s attention by letting the background distract them away from what is being said.

Step#07 – Editing Tips For Single Camera Interviews

Editing is the key to successful interviews. Since a lot of interview footage can get boring without some additional elements. You should consider adding shots that will make a good editing balance for your video project.

Step#08 – Avoid Long Pauses

Long pauses in an interview can be very frustrating to watch. During the silence, viewers may start wondering what the person you are interviewing is thinking about. So try your best to avoid holding on to a shot too much longer than necessary.


Keep in mind that the tips presented in this article are just basic guidelines. You should always experiment with your camera to see what works best for you and your interview subject. Remember this is not only about you getting great footage, but also about making an enticing video for viewers.

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